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  • Maisie Jones


For my edits of shoot 04, I wanted to focus on using text and experimenting with how different ways of portraying messages can create different meanings. In these first two edits, I was inspired by one of my photographers, Kelly Maker. Kelly Maker creates digital edits that has a collage style. I like how these edits, similar to Kelly Makers, show the power of the media and how the media can manipulate people and change peoples beliefs. I wanted to photoshop the newspaper page over thew white background and behind the models to suggest that the media controls us, and it is all around us. The topic of beauty and gossip is a huge discussion in media, which I think gives them a to of power in society.

For these edits, I wanted to try different font styles to see if they were more effective than the bold, red text that I have been using in past edits. This style of editing text was inspired by Hannah Reynolds, who has a unique style that interests viewers. I think that these edits stand out because you have to look closer at the image to make out what the text is saying. I tried to have a range of different viewpoints about beauty standards; one is from the point of view of myself, one is a general uplifting statement and another is coming from somebody else; a gossiper. I placed the text on the models instead of around them because I wanted to portray the message that this topic can be overwhelming, and some people may feel like they are consumed by other peoples opinions and judgement. I think that these edits were successful and convey important messages to the viewer that make them think deeper about the issues that have been normalised in society.

Something that I wanted to try in this project was to do some practical edits. Due to Corona Virus, we are not in school and so I did not have many of the resources that I would usually have, however I tried my best to create these practical edits from home. In the first edit, I used collage to cut and stick each letter onto the page. I then used a black pen to cross out the negative words that usually put people down. I wanted to positive message to be in red font, as this is what my photography Barbara Kruger often does in her work. I think that this edit was successful as it conveys a meaningful message that will effect the viewer, especially if they have ever thought or said they needed to be smarter, prettier, thinner. In my second edit, I used blue pen to write upsetting words that the viewer may think of themselves or have heard from others. In bold red pen reads 'STOP CARING ABOUT OTHER PEOPLES OPINIONS'. I think that this message is effective to a lot of people as society has mad wit so that all of us question ourselves; are we smart enough, do we annoy others around us, should we be skinnier?

This edit was inspired by the work of Barbara Kruger. In this edit I wanted to contrast to an edit I did for shoot 03. In shoot 03, I created an edit saying 'THE FUTURE IS FEMALE'. This statement is something that I have seen around social media, mostly said by women. The uplifting text on that edit implied that a woman can do anything that a man can. I wanted to contrast this edit was a negative statement, that is most likely said by a man. 'BUT YOU'RE A WOMAN' is unfortunately something that every girl has heard in their lives. My idea behind this edit was to show the different viewpoint from a different person. Society and history has created stereotypes and expectations that people still believe. I wanted to show the viewer that statements such as these can't stop us from doing what we want to do, and that sometimes its good to break the social norms.

In my final edits I wanted to use photoshop to portray my skills of overlaying photos, duplicating people and adding shadows. I think that on their own, my photos are simple yet very effective, however these edits show further development and add extra meaning. I think that these edits were successful in doing that.

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